Danger Ranger Repair



I was walking through a parking garage and spotted this danger ranger. Surprisingly well executed repair. Notice how the edges are beveled in the curved sections and it’s actually sealed all the way around. I think he should paint it black though. It would look like he just had a tinted window from far away!

Danger Ranger owner: Your Trailer Park Is Showing!

Speaker Wire Gutter Repair


I was over at The Dupe’s house a few nights ago and saw this when I was leaving. That’s a speaker wire gutter repair! If you look really close, you can make out some tape or something under the wire. I figure the tape is there to stop the water from leaking and the speaker wire is there to hold the pieces of the gutter together. The horrible paint job really ties it all together.

Apartment Maintenance Guy: Your Trailer Park Is Showing!

Motorcycle Hand Grips


Take a wild guess who this motorcycle belongs to. Go ahead… Guess!

The Dupe rode his bike over to the house today and was complaining about how his gloves were slipping on his motorcycle hand grips. I wasn’t surprised since these were his grips. I went in the house for a while and came back out to find this in their place. The idea here is that the sand paper is rough enough to stop the gloves from slipping. The red electrical tape is there because he didn’t see the black roll sitting right next to it, and the black tape is Gorilla tape. If you don’t know what Gorilla tape is, it’s basically Duck Tape on steroids.

The Dupe, I hope we start getting more submissions or someone else around here starts doing some trailer park stuff. In the meantime, Your Trailer Park Is Showing!

Mirror Repair


Tom and I were screwing around this past weekend, (big surprise, right?) and managed to get a glimpse of this mirror repair. He could have at least found some black or blue duck tape. I do have to commend him for taping it up in such a way that it didn’t flop around or anything though…

Blue Nissan: Your Trailer Park Is Showing!

Car Stereo Wiring – Trailer Park Style!


This submission comes from a co-worker of mine. He bought the car recently for a screaming-good deal. What was the catch? Someone committed suicide in it! I wish I was joking. There was some dried blood under the seats when he was gutting this trailer park style car stereo wiring out of it!

Back to the point; it was a jumble of tangles, twisted wire, duct tape, and ground loop isolators. There were 4 isolators! Usually, the fact you need one at all should tip you off that you did something wrong!

To the previous owner: We are sorry you have passed; and, Your Trailer Park Is Showing!